Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Paper 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5

Paper 2 - Essay Example Instructions to be followed by the bidders in terms of submission of documents will be sated. Tender response will compose of all the questions to be asked by the bidders and answerers by the bidder. The tender will compose if the declarations to be signed by the bidders. The certificate of non-alignment will be signed whereby the bidder will declare that he has not merged with any other bidder for the tender. Finally, there will be the draft of the proposed tender. The tender may be restricted, negotiated or open as per the tendering guidelines. Restricted tenders will have a pre-qualifying questionnaire (PQQ) that will cover the organization, financial details, environmental policies, technical information, health and safety policies of the bidder. The PQQ will be done before the invitation to tender (ITT) in the determination of quality and price basis. Any successful bidder should avail all the required information. Moreover, he should appropriately and correctly answer all the questions. Finally, the bidder should return the needed information at the speculated time. Award of the contract will be awarded after weighing several criteria mainly experience, quality, implementation timetable, pricing schedule, tax clearance certificates, financial stability and suitability. Provided that there will be no challenges encountered, the successful; bidder will be awarded after the contact after 10 days. Unsuccessful bidders will be informed with presence or absence of viable reasons as to why they were not considered. Thereafter, the selected bidder will sign a contract as per the tendering documents. The infrastructure strategy has three main parts mainly operating system, hardware and the networks. The strategy should ensure that the organization is provided with high computing and performance power with a strong bandwidth that is achievable at the lowest cost possible (ECU. 2011, p. 1). The application

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