Saturday, April 18, 2020

Social Ecology Vs. Differential Association Essays - Criminology

Social Ecology Vs. Differential Association Shannon R. Nemechek, Soc 355 Which is a better theory of crime Social ecology or differential association? While both have good concepts I feel that both are somewhat flawed in their concepts of crime. But for the purposes of this paper I will chose differential association as the better predictor and concept for criminal behavior as a whole. Social ecology says that most criminal behavior is centered around those areas that are central to a neighborhood. So if a neighborhood is one of great social and economical pressures then crime is more prevalent in that area as this is true it is not true of all residents of that area. I feel some of the views of the social ecologists are somewhat racially bias. Although most criminals are young poor urban black males this does not mean that all that all young poor urban black males are criminal. Although, it is true that neighborhoods do have a great influence on young criminal behavior in my view criminal behavior itself is multi causational. Although, it is true that crime seems to decrease when you look at crime in the central part of a city and travel out from there I submit that criminal behavior may not be as different as one might think. I submit that although most criminals are young poor urban black males that those in rural setting are prone to an equal amount of criminal behavior but the police tend to look the other way instead focusing in on those who are in their view more apt to commit crime. Not only do neighborhoods help to influence and not deter criminal behavior they also are influenced from other sources such as family, friends, schools etc. This is the view of most sociologists that adhere to the view of differential association. These views are also somewhat flawed but are a much better predictor of criminal behavior than the latter. Differential association tends to look as criminal behavior as a learned behavior this I agree with in some aspects most behavior is learned from parents, friends and family but can also be caused from psychological factors and biological factors such as some personality disorders, obsessive compulsive disorders and genetic irregularities such as XYY super males that are more prone to suffer from anti social personality disorder or psychopathy. But in essence differential association is clearly the better theory of criminal behavior than the latter theory of social ecology because differential association looks at what and who a perso n has around them, how often this influence is around and how significant the people are around them that helps to define who that person is if it be criminal or law abiding citizen. Sociology Essays

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

ETS Practice Test - How Does One Use One?

ETS Practice Test - How Does One Use One?An ETS practice test is an essential part of most every career planning process, especially for those who are taking one for the first time. The reason why it is so important is because of the many benefits that come with a test. For example, an ETS practice test can be used to give a candidate an idea of what kind of difficulty level is required to pass.When you are going through college and are trying to figure out what career path is right for you, there are some things that you can take from your previous experiences and apply to a new field. However, for many people, this can be very difficult to do. One of the reasons for this is that they do not have experience in a particular career. Another reason for this is that they have been in a job for a very long time and feel stuck in their career.In order to figure out the right career for you, it is best to look at your past experiences and see how much of your education was actually about w hat you would be doing when you completed it. This will help you figure out which field of employment you would like to go into. From there, you can figure out what skills you need to have for that particular occupation. Once you know what skills you need, you can then figure out what field you should focus on.For example, if you worked in finance as a student, and you studied for a degree in finance, then an ETS practice test is perfect for you. You can do this by looking at some examples from other careers. You can also take some school courses on finance, such as finance majors can take at college. After you get a feel for your career, then you can start finding the different jobs that will be right for you.Of course, just because an ETS test is perfect for someone doesn't mean that everyone has the same opinion on the test. Some people like the study guides that you can use in order to make sure that you are passing. Others like to test themselves, so they do not need to look at the questions at all. Either way, it is good to know that there are some tests that are right for everyone.The test is also supposed to help you decide what is going to fit your own personality. If you are someone who likes to go over the basics, then you may want to find an easy test that you can focus on. On the other hand, if you are someone who likes to write essays, then you may want to find an easier test that will still be considered difficult. There are some people who have a problem with math, so an easier test that will help them pass their admission exam is the right answer.A practice test is also a great way to improve your writing skills when you are studying for an essay sample. This is because the test usually asks multiple choice questions that require you to list three things. Then it gives you a question that requires you to come up with an essay answer. For this reason, you want to prepare yourself for this type of test.You should also make sure that you get enou gh rest before your ETS test. Many students do not give themselves enough time before they begin their test preparation. For this reason, you should only study about a week before the exam, giving yourself enough time to do the research you need for the essay sample and to calm down. Also, keep in mind that you should not eat or drink any more than usual for the week before your ETS test.